OK, now to start; I advise you first decide what shield you want and any other specifications. Here are a few simple shields to make this a whole lot easier:
• Bubble Shield- The most basic shield. It can absorb empathic projections from everyday people (that simply means, stopping peoples emotions interfering with you.)
• Mirror Shield- A little more complicated than the bubble shield, still fairly simple though. It is a shield designed to deflect incoming hostile energy signals and emotions. Simple.
• Marshmallow Shield- A shield designed to absorb all incoming… well everything.
Now have you chosen?
• Gather energy- Pick a source, be it yourself, be it the moon, the earth, your dog or your cat, just as long as it has enough energy for you to take from.
• Shape the energy- A technique I use is, I first get all the energy inside of me moving, visualize ALL the energy inside of you speeding around all over the place (inside of you), the make all that energy gather in a ball inside of you. Then visualize the energy ball growing and becoming hollow until you are inside of it.
• Programming- This is the step where you need to decide what shield you are making.
-Bubble shield: This is the easiest shield to program. Visualize the shield reflecting emotions and incoming enemy energies. I cannot tell you how to program exactly because everyone does it different.
-Mirror shield: Visualize the hollow energy sphere turning into a mirror and all emotions and attacks and enemy energies bouncing back from where they came from.
-Marshmallow shield: Visualize the hollow shield turning into a marshmallow looking bubble, visualize it absorbing incoming energies and attacks. When it absorbs the energies it makes the shield stronger.
• Sustaining the shield- Pick an energy source, i.e. the Sun. visualize the shield absorbing energy from the Sun.
Here’s a tip for the future, you can combine shields to make better shields, for instance, the marshmallow shield on top of the mirror shield. If an attack is too strong for the marshmallow shield to absorb fully, it will rebound off the mirror shield underneath and the rest will be absorbed. With an imagination there are few limits.
You’re done! Congratulations!
Bubble Shield- The most basic shield. It can absorb empathic projections from everyday people (that simply means, stopping peoples emotions interfering with you.)
Empathy- The use of psi to project or detect emotions.
Marshmallow Shield- A shield designed to absorb all incoming… well everything.
Mirror Shield- A little more complicated than the bubble shield, still fairly simple though. It is a shield designed to deflect incoming hostile energy signals and emotions. Simple.
Overload- When the body experiences a physical reaction (usually painful) because of the mind trying to experience more emotions than it can handle.
Shield- A construct commonly programmed to protect a person (and not always the psion). It is however often used in a way to mean any construct that goes around the person.